One Hundred Years Of Luxury Handmade Shoes
Pakerson handmade shoes have been worn for a hundred years and ensure, every day, elegance, style, softness, and maximum comfort to the wearer.
The history of this brand began in 1923, when Giulio Brotini started a workshop of handmade shoes tailored to farmers in Cerreto Guidi, near Florence. Giulio descends from a family of artisans who in the nineteenth century had worked for the Grand Duke of Tuscany.
After the war he relaunched the business thanks to the participation of his son Luciano: Alda was born, a company that works mainly for the local market and for the Florentine shops. Among these stands out Cresti, a Florentine shop with which the Brotini will collaborate for a long time.
Men's Handmade Shoes
Luciano Brotini is the turning point of the family's craft activity in the production of leather shoes. Strengthened by the knowledge acquired from his father, he launched himself into larger and more ambitious projects.
In addition to being a good manufacturer of handmade shoes, Luciano was a great fan of fountain pens: his favorites were the Parker. Since at the time it was the British who were teaching in the field of handmade footwear, he decided to use the name Parker for his own line of shoes and, to honor his father Giulio, he chose to call the brand "Parker & Son". The name sounded good: the shoes were made on the Tuscan hills but seemed to come from the English green hills for their perfection and elegance. Anyway, Luciano had not come to terms with the village typographer who misprinted the printing, giving life to the Pakerson brand.
Of Handcrafted Made In Italy Footwear
If the primacy in the production of high-end footwear was held by the British, in the post-war period Florence became the laboratory of the American private label. Pakerson shoes thus find a space in some important realities such as Bloomingdale's, Macy's, Barney's in New York.
The success on the American market is noteworthy and the awards do not take long to come: in 1964 Pakerson gets the Oscar for the best export shoe.
The Brotini do not stop here: starting from Milan and Lombardy, a commercial network is also created in Italy. When the business on the American market underwent a decline from the eighties, a new strategy was implemented, namely that of licensed production. This will lead to important collaborations with Enrico Coveri, Valentino and Krizia.
Since 1993 the brand is also present on the Russian market, where Italian handmade shoes find a wide appreciation for the quality of materials, workmanship and style.
by Tradition For A Hundred Years
The history of Pakerson handmade footwear tells about a family of artisans who have made tradition their strong point.
As well as the link with the Tuscan territory, from which the creations come to life, so much so that the Tuscan cities are honored in the collections: the Certaldo ankle boots, the Lucca moccasin, the Siena double buckle.
Through the decades the Brotini family has been able to draw the best results from every situation, without failing to a culture of product and work based on ethics, the search for perfection, trust in their team. Today celebrates 100 years of activity!
Discover online the centuries-old quality of Italian Pakerson shoes.